Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Getting ready for a busy weekend!!!!
I never thought i would almost dread holidays like I do now. I remember when I couldent wait for Christmas or Easter or Thanksgiving but now it seems it's all turned into one big hassle. Especially now since the baby is here. It has really complicated things. And you have two families thats meeting at the same time, both wanting you to come to their church on Sunday, and no matter what the decsion you come to your going to piss someone off. So Jaime and I made the decsion not to go to either families church just go to our own church and just try our best with the family gathering part. So just keep us in your prayers as we try to do our best for our families.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Back to Blogging again!!!
Aight, so I been gone awhile from the blogging world and tonight have just decided to try and start it back up. So here's a little update on me and my life since my last blog. My wife and I had a beautiful baby girl in June of 2006. She is awesome . Although I never thought something so little could rock my world the way she has. Everyday I look at her and thank God for giving me the privilag to raise a beautiful little girl. Other than that everything is basically going great form my wife and I in general. Again, I really hope this time I will continue blogging and look foward to meeting some new people and finding some great blogs from you guys. Later, Ryan
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Little scare last night.....
Yea that's right, just a small scare. Actually a big scare. As of today my wife is 8and half months pregnant. She's already been into pre-mature labor back at 7 months, and when we went to the doctor Friday he told us everything was fine and she would probaly go the whole 9 months. Well, about 2am last night , I hear groaning and moaning and she tells me that she's having bad contractions. So this is what I been preparing for this whole time, so I have it under control. Yea right!!!! I just start grabbing cloths, cameras, bathroom items and I'm ready to head. Then Jaime ask what I packed and I told her and she what about the baby cloths? My mouth dropped , I just totally forgot about that. So I packed the baby's cloths and getting ready to go and the contractions just suddenly stopped. Either the baby just put the brakes on or Jaime was testing me last night. Which everone it was think God we dident have to go the hospital last night.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Is al-Zarqawi really tough?

I would not bet on it. al- Zarqawi was seen in a video released yesterday that I don't think he wants to the world to see. You can watch it here!!! He is in the video with American tennis shoes on his feet and the man cannot even shoot a automatic gun. So I think it's fair to say that all the running is really taking it's toal on Zarqawi. I know alot of us is frustrated with the way this war is going but I think if we stay the course we will accomplish some good things. Will we change these people and that nation? No , I don't think so. But at least we have took some awful people out, that has prevented them from at least trying. But here again check out the story and video here.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Finally Back .....
Man, what a weekend? First let me start off by saying that our little girl that we were expecting to be here in June has decided she wants to take a trip down south a little early. And for that reason we spent 5 days in the hospital trying to keep her from coming.
It all started when Jaime went to the doctor Thursday morning because of pain. And when the doctor checked her out,she finds out that she was having contractions and the baby was already dilated 3 cm. Now remeber, she's only 7 months.
So the doctor immediatly put her in the hospital, and put her a strict bed rest for the rest of the pregnacy. And thank God the doctors stopped the labor by medication. Now the longer the baby holds on inside of that belly the better off her and Jaime will be.
But Jaime finally got to come home today and is put on a monitor from which they keep up with her contractions. Hopefully she won't have any more contractions and little Bay-Bay will stay still for as long as she can. Until then just keep Jaime and the baby in your prayers.
It all started when Jaime went to the doctor Thursday morning because of pain. And when the doctor checked her out,she finds out that she was having contractions and the baby was already dilated 3 cm. Now remeber, she's only 7 months.
So the doctor immediatly put her in the hospital, and put her a strict bed rest for the rest of the pregnacy. And thank God the doctors stopped the labor by medication. Now the longer the baby holds on inside of that belly the better off her and Jaime will be.
But Jaime finally got to come home today and is put on a monitor from which they keep up with her contractions. Hopefully she won't have any more contractions and little Bay-Bay will stay still for as long as she can. Until then just keep Jaime and the baby in your prayers.