Sunday, May 07, 2006

Little scare last night.....

Yea that's right, just a small scare. Actually a big scare. As of today my wife is 8and half months pregnant. She's already been into pre-mature labor back at 7 months, and when we went to the doctor Friday he told us everything was fine and she would probaly go the whole 9 months. Well, about 2am last night , I hear groaning and moaning and she tells me that she's having bad contractions. So this is what I been preparing for this whole time, so I have it under control. Yea right!!!! I just start grabbing cloths, cameras, bathroom items and I'm ready to head. Then Jaime ask what I packed and I told her and she what about the baby cloths? My mouth dropped , I just totally forgot about that. So I packed the baby's cloths and getting ready to go and the contractions just suddenly stopped. Either the baby just put the brakes on or Jaime was testing me last night. Which everone it was think God we dident have to go the hospital last night.


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